Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Guns on Campus will be heard Monday, March 16, at 2!

TAKE ACTION (Action Alert from UFF)


Senate Higher Education Committee

Senator Stargel, Chair
Senator Sachs, Vice Chair

MEETING DATE: Monday, March 16, 2015

TIME: 2:00 -3:30 p.m.

PLACE: 412 Knott Building

SB 176 by Senator Evers - Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms is on the agenda of this meeting.

UFF opposes this legislation to allow carrying of concealed weapons on college and university campuses. UFF concurs with the vast majority of faculty, students and law enforcement that prohibiting firearms on college and university campuses, except by trained law enforcement and security officers, is an essential element of an overall campus safety plan.

The bill is also opposed by the Florida Board of Governors, the University Police Chiefs, the University Presidents, the League of Women Voters and many more organizations. At least 14 Florida newspapers have ran editorials opposing this bill!

What Can You Do:
Contact the Committee members listed below and urge their NO VOTE for SB 176!!

                                                                                District                                  Tallahassee
Senator Kelli Stargel (R)                                    (863)668-3028                        (850)487-5015
Vice Chair:
Senator Maria Lorts Sachs (D)                           (561)279-1427                        (850)487-5034

Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto (R)                        (239)338-2570                        (850)487-5030
Senator Oscar Braynon, II (D)                            (305)564-7150                        (850)487-5036
Senator Don Gaetz (R)                                        (850)897-5747                        (850)487-5001
Senator Arthenia L.  Joyner (D)                          (813)233-4277                        (850)487-5019
Senator John Legg (R)                                         (813)909-9919                        (850)487-5017
Senator Joe Negron (R)                                       (772)219-1665                        (850)487-5032
Senator David Simmons (R)                               (407)262-7578                        (850)487-5010

Or, if you are in Tallahassee, please attend this meeting, fill out an appearance card, and either plan to speak at the Committee meeting or waive your time in opposition if you so choose.