Thursday, July 10, 2014

Still waiting on new position profile

Just a quick post to note that the revised position profile has not yet been updated on the presidential search website, (as of 10pm July 10) (and there have been no updates posted since June 20). I sent an email to PSAC Chair Ed Burr and to the new search firm's Alberto Pimentel yesterday morning regarding the timeline for posting the position, and I have not heard back yet. It's been two weeks since we met with the search firm, and I thought that I heard that the profile would be posted in a week's time, but perhaps I misheard or something else is holding it up. It didn't sound like the profile would be publicly vetted as it was last time. It sounded like decisions would be made by the PSAC via email, which, if that is the case, and it appears to be since no other meetings have been posted, is quite unfortunate as we would not be privy to the discussion.

I also heard from several sources that one of the members of the PSAC has resigned, but as far as I know this has not yet been made public. Not sure why.

I also wanted to point out a couple recent editorials about the search and the Sunshine argument:

"Sunshine is Not the Problem in FSU Search":

"Don't Dim Sunshine for FSU":

I agree wholeheartedly with the authors that more transparency is necessary, not less. Arguing that decisions like this need to be made behind closed doors should make us pause. Frankly, it downright scares the hell out of me--especially after seeing the political maneuvering and posturing that has happened in the Sunshine! Imagine if what has happened so far in this search happened without our knowledge, without the spotlight of the public eye. In a university such as ours that values faculty governance, the thought of not knowing what's going on behind closed doors regarding the leader of the university should certainly concern us. And, without updates regarding the position profile or any other developments, well, let's just say my curiosity is piqued.